UPDATE: December 2007- Yep just another round of empty promises. So much for hope of actual change. The only change this time around was a new player in this saga in that the Commonwealth Attorney also made promises she never planned on doing anything about.Post Original Title: The Email Heard Around the CityApparently the email I sent out on Saturday has been causing quite a stir among the leadership in the city this week. In case you missed it here it is.
In light of the number of incidents this week around the neighborhood, please help me keep pressure on the city leadership so that we can move towards actual solutions and away from the past empty promises to discuss it next time. Keep your eyes open and a phone nearby! (For thoose who don't have it memorized Police Non-Emergency 732-4222 / Emergency is 911.)
"The time has come for us to stop turning a blind eye to the activities around Poplar Lawn Park.
This morning I discovered a shower cap full of tobacco on my front porch, evidence that a cigar was being filled with marijuana. It is evident that drug activity was taking place on my property, and there is the possibility that this activity was deliberately acted on my front porch by individuals who may be upset with my efforts to disrupt their "safe haven" in the park for such activities.
I called to have a report taken by the police and the officer left my property without documenting anything. No questions asked about possible suspects, no notes taken about background to this incident.
This is not the first time this week in which a harassing gesture has been directed at me because of my efforts to disrupt illegal activity in Poplar Lawn Park. Previous to last night, verbal threats have been made to me in the park, but last night's activity was a case of trespassing on private property and evidence of illegal drug use both of which should be documented for crime statistics.
As a graduate of Petersburg's Citizen Police Academy I have the utmost respect for the Police Department, but frankly the officer's lack of interest was rather disturbing. This just demonstrates the perception that the police force is over-extended and does not have the energy to deal with non-emergency issues.
Unfortunately, what may be perceived as a non-emergency issue today may escalate if left unchecked.
I want it documented that this incident happened, and that possible suspects are notated in case of a future escalation. Back in April, in a meeting with Councilman Moore, and City Attorney Dawson, I was told that Poplar Lawn Park couldn't be made a drug free zone because there were not enough calls for service to justify it. Recently, I saw a copy of the crime statistics, and I am sad to report that those numbers are for some reason grossly under-reported.
Perhaps it is to protect property values or maybe to protect the city's position on the national crime statistics list, but in walking the park on a regular basis one finds evidence of drug use:piles of tobacco removed from cigars, make shift crack stems, pieces of chore boys, and plastic bags so small it could have only included drugs.
With the incident this morning I ask once again that Poplar Lawn Park and the area around it be designated a drug free zone under Sec 74-462(a)(4). Since the statistics are flawed you must rely on the reliable information from the residents of the area that our health or safety is endangered by drugs and designate this area a drug free zone.
I by no means believe that the drug free zone is going to be the ultimate solution, however I do believe it being a step in responding to the larger crime problem. Solving that larger crime issue is going to take effort from many parties in the city.
First from the City Council/Manager/Attorney in writing new ordinances or increasing penalties to discourage illegal activities in and around public parks.
It is going to take the citizens to be aware of any current and new ordinances and follow them or call for service when there is a violation.
We need the effort from the police in responding to calls in a timely manner, and citing violations when they take place no matter how insignificant they may appear.
Finally, we need the support of the Commonwealth Attorney and the courts to prosecute violations that the police issue and identify maximum penalties for habitual offenders.
Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying
"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it" This issue I raised is just the beginning of many that face us.
Crime is not just affecting one block or one neighborhood, drugs and other crime issues are affecting the city as a whole. The time has come for us to stand up and take a step towards solutions to these issues.
Everyday, I have the courage to make a phone call for service when illegal activities are taking place. Please have the courage to hear those calls and make a stand against these activities with me.
Phil Cheney
Historic Poplar Lawn Association"