Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Armed Robbery Suspect At Large

On Wednesday evening, a Poplar Lawn resident was robbed at gunpoint in his own house near the park. The intruder apparently walked into the home around 9 PM. The lock on the door might not have caught properly, making this possible. The suspect was described as a 6 ft 200 lb black male in a grey sweatshirt with a bandana used to cover his mouth. So be extra careful entering your home, lock your doors once you're in, set your alarms when you go or stay in. Hound the city about street lighting and some effective police action!

Posted by Jeff A—

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The 2007 APVA Preservation Awards---Nominate Petersburg

Petersburg has so much progress in preservation, so please consider nominating one of your favorite projects for the 2007 APVA Preservation Awards.

There are three categories in which you may nominate a project: The Frederick Doveton Nichols Award for best domestic architectural restoration, The Gabriella Page Historic Preservation Awards for outstanding preservation efforts on the part of businesses or civic organizations, individuals, or governmental agencies, and The Mary Mason Anderson Williams Award for an outstanding preservation effort on the part of a public or private preservation or civic group or individual.

The application is available online. (go to The deadline for appications is December 8, 2006.

~posted by Mady

Update: Nuts for Petersburg

As of last Friday, 11/03/06, we have collected 103 jars, or 184 pounds, of peanut butter. This is great, but I know in this season of giving, we can do better.

Please get out the word about our donation locations, or do a collection at work or church. Remember, our goal is 3,509 jars of peanut butter. ONE FOR EVERY CHILD WHO LIVES BELOW THE POVERTY LEVEL IN PETERSBURG.

C'mon guys, it's for the hungry children!

~posted by Mady