Sunday, June 24, 2007

The New Crater Has Arrived

Our friend Roquentin has decided to go back underground. As such, he has returned the use of this blog to HPLA Boardmembers such as myself.
If you've driven by Marshall and Adams lately, that hole in the ground is not an attempt to mimic the little crater out at the battlefield. It is, in fact, the emergence of our new traffic roundabout, designed not only to beautify the neighborhood but to slow down traffic and hopefully keep some people from using Adams as a cut-through to Sycamore. A four-way stop sign will also slow things down a bit. A special thanks to Ron Reekes for putting it all into motion.
So far, the impact of the impasse has been amusing. About half the people ignore the stop signs completely, while about a third actually stop and proceed in the correct direction. The remainder either go in circles nonstop or travel the circle in reverse order.
Any suggestions as to what should be IN the circle? So far we've heard things like a toll booth, a statue of some local notable, to a ten commandments-like table carved in stone saying either "Residents Only" or "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.." We are still open to suggestions.
–--Jeff A


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