This Website Has Been Hijacked
Okay, do not worry. Since this blog has been dead as a doornail in recent months I have decided to Hijack it and post the truth, some news, and maybe some gossip. Mon ami, monsieur Jeff removed all of his excellent comments in disgust some time ago. (Despite what anyone might think, HPLA did not remove them, HE did), and because i can be a little more diplomatic than he can at times, I have decided to post my own items of interest until sometime either shoots me in the park, or stops me online.
Now, to the business at hand, despite the look of a slight gentrification, despite susbstantial financial investment by relatively new residents, despite endless meetings of committees and concerned citizens, and despite garbage cans in the park, Poplar Lawn is not getting better, it is getting worse. Prostitution, albeit of the skankiest variety (Charlotte the Crack Whore aside—she falls into a class of her own) has dramatically increased. More important, crime, robbery, noise pollutiion, and obvious drug trafficking has increased as well. The media in Richmond and elsewhere periodically points to a Renaissance of sorts occurring in Petersburg, but they are really only talking about downtown where a few risk-takers are opening new businesses. The rest of PB is still going to hell in a hand basket and Poplar Lawn, unfortunately, rides at the forefront.
So, if any of you care to join me, let's start naming names and showing a little guts. Mon Dieu! I will begin with my own pet peeve— Tulip Alley—that Twilight Zone that rests behind the nice houses of Marshall Street. Just as in the animal kingdom, every city must have an asshole. For Petersburg, it is Tulip Alley. Aside from being the listed address of a registered sex offender, (who also happens to work for one of our local "contractors") the Alley has been the regular center of drugs, prostitution, and all that goes with it, for years. So who owns these rat's nests? The guy at the end of the block, a so-called preacher named Alfred Woodard. Does he get a cut of the action? Who knows, but he's paying for those fancy cars behind his house somehow and certainly from more than passing around the offering plate.
And, while on the subject of slumlords, what's the deal with Bayou Properties? You know them, they own a ton of ramshackle houses around town, including the beat-to-hell green Victorian near the end of Marshall Street. They are also reputedly drug dealers in Richmond. Can anyone of you say otherwise? Then do so.
Wake up Poplar Lawn. Apply pressure, bug the cops, email the city council, make noise. Afterall, all the bad guys do, Maybe the only way to get rid of them is to drown them out.
I'm back and I'm pissed. Now let's see what happens next.
There was a little mini raid on Tulip Alley on Tuesday. A couple of people were arrested and allegedly drugs were found in one of those rat's nests. The police said they will continue to work on shutting the place down. Good news.
While we're at it, let's finger the city council members who own crappy properties too. Maybe that's why they aren't putting the pressure on the other slum lords in town.
Good to see this blog active again. Jeff should re-post his rants.
Oil drums as trash cans in the very historic Poplar Lawn park is a pretty good statement about the quality of government in Petersburg.
why bother with city council? they wont make a change. they can't. IMHO those politicians were pimped long ago by folks who now dont even live in the city. once pimped, always pimped.
to my knowlege no one is contesting a single council seat. so why should council listen to a few disgruntled folk about a park. it is obvious the voters like petersburg just how it is.
also dont forget positive impact on the park of the group homes. the one next to the park belongs to the sorority sister of our honorable delegate. nothing better for petersburg than having the politcally connected driving the new lexus and the unmedicated mentally ill wandering up and down sycamore assalting elderly folks.
Good honest post. Your on the "S" list for sure.
There is no law against being crazy. Let's hope the medication doesn't run out.
As for attacking the pimps and prostitutes, such action may hurt the slumlord business in Petersburg. Watch out, your taxes may go up with any lose of revenue.
This Blog needs a cartoonist!
You know, it's a damn shame when the powers that be in Petersburg spend time and money stealing a train station from a small historic group who is only trying to do something nice for the city instead of tackling the real problems...their sorry excuse for a lawyer was complaining about "racist" flags and "zit-faced" kids in Confederate uniforms that they have it back, guess what? the "zit-faced" kids have been replaced by pudgy old wrinkle-faced National Propaganda Service patsies in Confederate uniform...Hypocrites! You have the nerve to throw the race card to get your way, then you think it's business as usual? When are you going to clean up that eyesore? TWBTS had the building looking good despite what the city was trying to do to them...Look at it now. BTW, we haven't heard a peep lately about that eminent domain case...guess it's not needed now that you STOLE the station back, huh?
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