Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Rash of Marshall Street Robberies

On June 4, 5 and 6 there have apparently been a series of break-ins and attempted break-ins of cars and homes on Marshall Street. One house was successfully entered on Sunday while the homeowners were in church. Valuable papers and other items were taken. There have also been attempts to break into vehicles virtually every evening. Be vigilant! Call the police. And, since were are after all in the rather bizarre state of Virginia.....LOCK AND LOAD.

Your local vigilante


At June 09, 2007 6:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh. DOes it ever end?

People, stop hiring people off the street to work on your house. I know you are cheap, but come on! Why don't you just handout a map to your house with highlighted items of value, while you're at it.

It doesn't help anyone to hire panhandlers. You get shoddy, uncertified work and more break-ins in the area. What a bargain!

At June 11, 2007 1:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. And it's also time for the Public Defender's Office to leave Marshall and Adams. Why bring possible criminals right into the heart of the neighborhood?


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