May the remnants of the bandstand rest in peace
Newsflash: the bandstand remains that have been lying in the park since Hurricane Isabel hit were removed this morning.
The debris that has spent nearly three years decaying, housing squatters and being used as a brothel by some of the neighborhood's most desperate prostitutes.
The decision to remove the bandstand was one of necessity. The bandstand was more than an eyesore; it was a safety hazard to our community. Since it had become an unsavory and potentially dangerous haven and had been brutalized by its fall and the work of vandals, it was best to remove it.
Though there is the intention for it to be replaced, it was not being protected or salvaged by remaining in its fallen and abused state. While the community wishes for its revival, and is willing to donate time and manpower to help do so, a compromise to have it put into the future plans for the park seemed to be the most satisfactory solution.
David Canada and the city are actively working with HPLA and its subcommittee, the Central Park Beautification Committee, to restore the park. Mr. Canada has committed to a full-park restoration, not just quick fixes. (His words.) He has started with these necessary actions and is creating a timetable to do all that we need.
This is by no means the majority of what needs to be done in the park, but it is a positive start.
We have received a lot of justified, angry feedback on the seemingly dilatory action by the city for our park. Let us encourage the city's renewed interest with letters of thanks and appreciation to encourage their interest and support.
Please write to, e-mail or call Mr. Canada at the below addresses and number.
B. David Canada
Petersburg City Manager
135 N. Union Street
Petersburg, Virginia 23803
(804) 733-2301
Thanks to everyone's concern, interest and passion. I know it is often frustrating, infinitely discouraging and creating of great skepticism, but our attentive neighborhood will get this done. Just look at how far this neighborhood has come thus far. Thanks to the restoration of these homes, the community involvement and clean up and, yes, perseverance with our city officials, Poplar Lawn is really a beautiful and welcoming neighborhood. That credit goes to you, and I thank YOU for doing all of it.
Have a great weekend,
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