Bike Mugger Caught!
Thank you for your patience as I investigated the bike muggings. I wanted to be sure I had all the facts straight. The good news is that they caught the mugger yesterday. Unfortunately, it was because he had mugged another woman.
The amazing news is that he was caught because one of our neighbors whupped the mugger's posterior so well on Friday that his injuries were what made him identifiable to the arresting officer yesterday. (In a moment of editorializing, I just want to say that I think that she is awesome and also my idol.)
Here are the details: On Friday, our neighbor was mugged by a bicyclist during the day on Friday in Tulip Alley. He took her purse, but his bicycle was busted up, thanks to her counter attack. The police kept the bike and retrieved her purse from a garbage can.
The attack yesterday occurred on Jefferson, from what I understand.
On May 24th, another of our residents had been mugged in the same manner. She was not severely injured. The young man, who is 17 and apparently said he did not need the money but was doing this for entertainment, confessed to that attack as well as yesterday’s attack. All of his victims were older women whom he attacked during the day to take their purses. The police are attempting to try him as an adult.
Though these attacks appear to all be the work of an individual, it would behoove us to maintain our vigilance. Please watch out for your safety and the safety of your neighbors.
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