Petersburg Preservation Workshops: Updated 04/08/08
Friday, April 4, 2:00 to 5:30 pm
"What It Means To Be In A Historic District"
Historic Petersburg Foundation headquarters, 420 Grove Avenue
Presented by APVA Preservation Virginia & the Virginia Department of Historic Resources
The registration cost for the workshop is $30 per person ($25 for members of APVA Preservation Virginia.)
This workshop qualifies as a continuing education & post license education course through the Virginia Real Estate Board.
Thursday, April 10, 7:00 pm
Historic Paint Colors
Union Station,103 River Street
Presentation by John Crosby Freeman "The Color Doctor"
Mr. Freeman has over 25 years experience selecting, naming and arranging palettes of historic paint colors, and has authored over 100 books, articles, essays, introductions, and bibliographies on historic visual arts.
One-on-one consultations are available with Mr. Freeman. Please call ahead to schedule.
Friday, April 11, 12:00 pm
"Translating Color Into Dollars"
Old Town Catering Company, 9 West Old Street
Light lunch provided, limited seats available. Please rsvp at (804) 733-2308
Presentation by John Crosby Freeman "The Color Doctor"
Mr. Freeman has over 25 years experience selecting, naming and arranging palettes of historic paint colors, and has authored over 100 books, articles, essays, introductions, and bibliographies on historic visual arts.
One-on-one consultations are available with Mr. Freeman. Please call ahead to schedule.
Saturday, April 12, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
"Classic Colors for Buildings: Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow"
Petersburg Regional Arts Center, 132 North Sycamore Street
Presentation by John Crosby Freeman "The Color Doctor"
Mr. Freeman has over 25 years experience selecting, naming and arranging palettes of historic paint colors, and has authored over 100 books, articles, essays, introductions, and bibliographies on historic visual arts.
One-on-one consultations are available with Mr. Freeman. Please call ahead to schedule.
Saturday, May 3, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
(Rescheduled from April 5!)
Restoring Historic Windows
Farmers Market, 9 East Old Street
Presenter- David Gibney, Historic Restoration Specialists, Inc.
David Gibney has been a practicing restoration craftsman and technician for the past twenty-five years. His areas of expertise include carpentry, masonry, decorative plaster, timber and log structure restoration. As founder and president of Historic Restoration Specialists, Inc., David's work focuses on the design, history, and preservation of high-end early American homes. He also teaches restoration at Harford Community College, Belair, MD.
For more information contact: Victoria A. Hauser, 733-2308, vahauser(at)petersburg-va(dot)org
Sponsored by the City of Petersburg, Department of Planning, in partnership with a generous grant from the Certified Local Government program.
The activity that is the subject of this flyer has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior.
posted by Mady 03/17/08, updated 03/21/08 and 04/08/08
Labels: ARB, events, historic district, Mady, workshops
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