Thursday, March 13, 2008

Booty Call Night at the Library?

We're all familiar with Friday for the Arts, but last Wednesday evening seemed to initiate a new event with which we were not familiar. Coming home with a friend around 6:30 or so we noticed a large group of young people hanging around the library, as well as the mysterious buildings next door. It seems more likely that they were attending some kind of function at one of those buildings since my friend, who lives on Adams, and I both noticed a couple making out heavily against a fence. A half hour later, my friend came by and told me he had called the police because the couple in question had advanced to having sex on the ground just beyond his backyard. The police didn't come. A few minutes later I observed a gold van parked on Adams between Marshall and Tulip Alley. As I approached it I found a couple engaged in oral sex in the front seat, while it was still daylight. Unwisely, I yelled something sarcastic and read out their license plate, which, by the way, was JEM 1518. It didn't phase them and so they continued. I called the police, who this time, were more responsive.

The man was not impressive, by the way. But had he been a true man, like Gov. Spitzer, he would have at least gotten a room, even if the local going rate is closer to $5 or a hit of crack.

I can't wait until next Wednesday!
-jeff A


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