Nuts for Petersburg update

Well, a special thank you goes out to Charlie Rizzo who helped save our backs last night by showing up to help us unload nearly EIGHT HUNDRED JARS OF PEANUT BUTTER into our house. I don't usually do the "all caps" thing, but nearly 800 JARS, people! NEARLY EIGHT HUNDRED JARS!!!
Let me just tell you how we got all that peanut butter ... Beta Sigma Phi sorority, the most amazing group of women in just about the whole world, was led in this project by Becky Joyner to collect "some" peanut butter for Nuts for Petersburg. They collected 725 jars between their various chapters. Then one of the kind ladies got her daughter's girl scout troop involved, collecting an additional 65 jars of peanut butter. Can you believe it? Seriously, I nearly fainted at the site of all that peanut butter, all topped with a giant gold bow!
I cannot thank the ladies of Beta Sigma Phi enough, especially Becky. We will be sending them thank you notes, of course, and thanking them publicly, but you just have no idea how giving this group is. At their meeting last night, I heard about all the wonderful things they do for our community. It really showed the power of community groups, and how much we can do to better our community.
This morning, I came into work to find another twenty jars on my desk from one of my coworkers. I've collected sixty jars at work to date, and the boxes at our donation sites are filling up!!! Hopefully, we'll get a bunch at the party on Sunday too. We've also heard from several other organizations that they are collecting. We can make this goal yet!
Remember, our goal is 3,509. (Each jar represents a child who lives below the poverty level here in Petersburg.) Please spread the word about Nuts for Petersburg! We'll see you all at the party on Sunday night, and please bring peanut butter, friends, and friends with peanut butter! ~Mady
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